Montag, 2. Juni 2008

June 1st, 2008

On Sunday morning we went by bus to a place where we could go on the ferry to Gozo. Gozo is a small island with some really great sights. Everywhere you can see and feel the many influences from the past, especially arabic and british. The most impressing place is the Blue Laguna. We took some boats there and went through the high cliffs. I've never seen before such blue water. It looks as if they had put dark blue ink into it. But nobody knows where the special colour comes from.

After that we went to Victoria, also called Rabat. There we visited the Citadel, a kind of fortress which was used by Romans, then destroyed by the Turks and rebuilt by the Knights of St. John, who had influenced Malta and Gozo enormously.

From Gozo we took a speedboat to Comino, the smallest of the three islands. Everybody was thrilled by the fast ride. We reached a beautiful sandy beach with clear water. The colour of the water again was very impressing - a mixture of light blue and torquoise. We could stay there for two hours and went swimming a little bit.

From Comino we went back to Sliema by boat and bus.

PS: We have an official meeting point here and we gave this meeting point a special name. Because when we meet it's so hot "Fix oida" that we quickly go under a tree. So we called it "Bam oida"!

4 Kommentare:

wtatra hat gesagt…

Hi Chrissie,
We miss you all so much.
When I arrived at school at 7 this morning - what / who did I see? No Chrissie, no Ulli, no Johnny and no Ernstl!
You can imagine that it was a very tough start into this week.
We are waiting for your safe return and of course your photographs.
Best wishes

HS Bergheim hat gesagt…

in German: ihr habt ja schon viel unternommen - einige Schülerchen posten auch recht brav: Ye, Sebastian, Thomas R, Sarah D.. Christian und besonders Julia H.
Die andern darfst ein wenig erinnern :-)
Salzburg hat 30 - 34 Grad!
Grüße aus dem südlichen Bergheim

christine prähauser hat gesagt…

Lieber Helmut,
wir koennen hier nur in der Frueh vor der Schule oder am Abend posten und muessten eigentlich extra dafuer bezahlen. Ausserdem haben wir nur 7 Computer zur Verfuegung. Heute morgen wurde aber wieder fleissig geschrieben, es duerften in der
zwischenzeit schon alle gepostet haben.
Temperaturmaessig ist es perfekt - nicht so heiss wie bei euch.
Alle sind rundherum zufrieden und die Zeit vergeht im Flug.
Liebe Gruesse an alle

christine prähauser hat gesagt…

Poor Woolfie,
we can understand that you feel lonely, but we are thinking of you nearly every day.
In the meantime we have hundreds of photos and you will have to help us posting them.
Till soon, kind regards from both of us