Montag, 2. Juni 2008

June 2nd, 2008

Monday morning - time for the students to start work.
The SFA-organisation from Austria, where we had booked this course, has a language school here. Lessons start at 9 a.m. and end at 12.30. p.m. We built two groups for the different levels of our students. The lessons seem to be funny and the students are doing well. I heard from the teachers, that the level of our first group is really high - good to know!
In the morning before the lessons and in the evenings the students have to go to the computer studio to post for their weblogs. Generally this is not free, but after a telephone call with SFA in Vienna we heard that they were so kind as to pay the costs.
In the afternoon we had our excursion to Mdina, which is called The Silent City. It had been the capital of Malta in former times. Today it is like a museum and only 300 people live there. When you walk through the narrow little streets you feel the spirit of an ancient time. It's really quiet there and everybody was amazed at the noble houses made of stone with red, blue or even white doors and windows.
We also visited the dungeon and the Fontanella cafe which provides a very nice and famous chocolate cake as well as a terrific view of the surrounding.
Finally we want to mention that the weather here is always warm and sunny, only a bit windy sometimes.

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