Freitag, 6. Juni 2008

June 6th, 2008

Zurück Daheim! 8 Tage, voll mit vielen schönen, interessanten und aufregenden Erlebnissen, liegen hinter uns.
Danke für den lieben Empfang am Flughafen in Salzburg!!

Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2008

June 4th, 2008

June 5th, 2008
Hallo everybody,

this is our last morning at school. Our students did so well so that the teachers here had to improve the levels of our two groups!

Yesterday in the afternoon we had so exciting experiences that we are now switching over to German.

Beach-Club stand am Programm. Das ist der Besuch eines grossen Schwimmbades direkt am Meer. Das Becken ist durch eine Mauer vom offenen Meer abgegrenzt. Nur mit Muehe konnten wir unsere Schueler davon abhalten auch ins Meer zu springen. Die Liegen stehen gleich hinter der Begrenzungsmauer. Am gestrigen Nachmittag gab es wieder starken Wind und hohe Wellen, sodass immer wieder Wasser vom Meer ueber die Mauer schwappte. Ploetzlich jedoch kamen zwei flutartige Wellen und schwemmten alle Leute, die direkt hinter der Mauer in ihren Liegestuehlen lagen, mit all ihren Sachen in den Pool. Innerhalb von Sekunden lagen Liegen, Rucksaecke, Bekleidungsstuecke, Digitalkameras, Sonnenbrillen, Handys, Schuhe, usw. im Wasser. Einige Teile wurden auch ins Meer gespuelt. Sofort sprangen unsere Burschen hinein und retteten, was zu retten war. Ein Taucher versuchte spaeter den Rest zu bergen. Wir hatten alle einen Schock und waren heilfroh, dass niemandem etwas passiert war. Leider ist doch einiger Sachschaden entstanden, besonders bei Philip Galimov, Ye Wang und Simone Plestenjak. Daher stehen wir hier seit drei Stunden im Buero unserer Sprachschule und schreiben Berichte und Schadensmeldungen. Genaueres spaeter!
Liebe Gruesse

June 3rd, 2008

Our last guided excursion was The South Malta-Tour. First we came to Qrendi, where we saw the Hagar Qim Temples - very simillar to Stonehenge but even older. Then we went to the Blue Grotto and had a boat tour again. Because of the wind there were quite high waves and the ride was thrilling. Our last stop was in Marsaxlokk, an old fishing village. You can see lots of the famous colourful fishing boats there and they are still in use.

In the evening we met again and took a local bus to Independance Garden, to play ball games and have some fun together. Unfortunately we always have to be home early, because it's getting dark much earlier than at home.

Montag, 2. Juni 2008

June 2nd, 2008

Monday morning - time for the students to start work.
The SFA-organisation from Austria, where we had booked this course, has a language school here. Lessons start at 9 a.m. and end at 12.30. p.m. We built two groups for the different levels of our students. The lessons seem to be funny and the students are doing well. I heard from the teachers, that the level of our first group is really high - good to know!
In the morning before the lessons and in the evenings the students have to go to the computer studio to post for their weblogs. Generally this is not free, but after a telephone call with SFA in Vienna we heard that they were so kind as to pay the costs.
In the afternoon we had our excursion to Mdina, which is called The Silent City. It had been the capital of Malta in former times. Today it is like a museum and only 300 people live there. When you walk through the narrow little streets you feel the spirit of an ancient time. It's really quiet there and everybody was amazed at the noble houses made of stone with red, blue or even white doors and windows.
We also visited the dungeon and the Fontanella cafe which provides a very nice and famous chocolate cake as well as a terrific view of the surrounding.
Finally we want to mention that the weather here is always warm and sunny, only a bit windy sometimes.

June 1st, 2008

On Sunday morning we went by bus to a place where we could go on the ferry to Gozo. Gozo is a small island with some really great sights. Everywhere you can see and feel the many influences from the past, especially arabic and british. The most impressing place is the Blue Laguna. We took some boats there and went through the high cliffs. I've never seen before such blue water. It looks as if they had put dark blue ink into it. But nobody knows where the special colour comes from.

After that we went to Victoria, also called Rabat. There we visited the Citadel, a kind of fortress which was used by Romans, then destroyed by the Turks and rebuilt by the Knights of St. John, who had influenced Malta and Gozo enormously.

From Gozo we took a speedboat to Comino, the smallest of the three islands. Everybody was thrilled by the fast ride. We reached a beautiful sandy beach with clear water. The colour of the water again was very impressing - a mixture of light blue and torquoise. We could stay there for two hours and went swimming a little bit.

From Comino we went back to Sliema by boat and bus.

PS: We have an official meeting point here and we gave this meeting point a special name. Because when we meet it's so hot "Fix oida" that we quickly go under a tree. So we called it "Bam oida"!

May 31st, 2008

On Saturday morning we met our guide at the meeting point in Sliema, where we stay here. We went to Valletta, the capital of Malta, by bus an had a wonderful guided tour through the city.
First we saw the famous Barracca Gardens from where you have a fantastic view over the harbour and the sea. Then we visited the really beautiful and impressing St. John's Cathedral. At last we saw the Malta experience show, whitch gave us a glimpse in the interesting history of the islands. In the afternoon we had some time to go around, before we came back to Sliema by ferry.
The photos will follow when we are at home again.